Saturday, March 20, 2010

One foot in front of the other

Some days, everything comes together. You read the Word, it impacts you, and you are filled with joy or sorrow or penitence or hope. You pray and God answers. You walk through your day and He is present in every step.

Some days, it all feels like an empty shell. You read the Word and don't understand it or feel it past the surface level of comprehension. You pray and feel like you are talking to yourself. You walk through your day oblivious, not sure where your purpose went or how you are to get it back.

It's not about what you feel. Thank God for the emotion when it is there-- what joy to feel His presence and hear His words so close to your heart! But in any marriage, only fools would expect the emotion to last forever and carry them through. There are days when the only reason you do what you do is because you have committed to it. In those days, not in the mountaintops of emotion, lie the true strength of the relationship. The mountaintops will come again, but only if you keep putting one foot in front of the other all the way through the valley.

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