Monday, January 25, 2010


"God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him."
-John Piper

I've been noticing within myself a deep sense of satisfaction lately. An absence of murmur, worry, preoccupation. As I have sought God more, He has "been found" by me (Jeremiah 29:14), and I have been the one to benefit. My circumstances are not perfect. There are certainly areas of my life that I would like to see changed, healed, or grown by the hand of God. Nor have I lost my ambition-- I still have hopes, dreams, and plans for my future. Satisfaction is not synonymous with complacency. But at the end of a day, when I am alone with my thoughts, myself, my situation, I am satisfied. Are you?

"The Lord is my portion." (Lamentations 3:24). Interesting and important to note that this is not a pithy statement written by a man with an easy life. The author makes it clear that he has his troubles, but he maintains a posture of quietness, waiting on the Lord, who is to be his everything. He can be, if we will only let Him.

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